How to activate IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm and other IDE's from JetBrains 2023.X
How to activate license and where to get the key?
Using this method, you will receive a license activation code for JetBrains products version 2023.X: IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, PhpStorm, PyCharm, GoLand, DataSpell, DataGrip, CLion, Rider, RubyMine, dotCover, dotMemory, dotTrace, AppCode, as well as 200 paid plugins until September 2026.
1 Step
Download and install the latest version of the IDE from the official JetBrains website or via JetBrains Toolbox App.
2 Step
Go to with a list of hosts and select any available host. For example,
3 Step
On the page at the top download the archive from the link.
It contains all necessary files for successful activation.
Extract contents of archive to the root of C drive:
Then go to the scripts folder and execute script we need:
- install-current-user.vbs — for current Windows user
- install-all-users.vbs — for all Windows users
- — macOS and Linux
In Windows you should see this result.
Click OK.
Wait for script to execute (there may be a delay of a few seconds).
Click OK.
Result of script execution in Linux:
On Linux and macOS, a reboot is required after successful execution of script.
4 step
In VM Options configuration file, you need to check for presence of a line:
is the path of unpacked archive.
In most cases this line should be added here automatically, but if not, enter the path to theja-netfilter.jar
file manually by analogy.
❓How to find the VM Options file
If license notification prevents you from going to the start window, then activate Trial version.
5 step
Go back to list of available products for activation.
Select software we need
In IDE open license management section
Click Activate New License or Remove License
Select Activation Code and paste previously copied code.
In summary
We get an activated IDE until September 2026.
You can activate paid plugins from the list at in a similar way
For example, I successfully activated Extra Icons and Code With Me
List of plugins available for activation
- Symfony Support
- Wolfram Language
- Shopware
- GitToolBox
- Hybris Integration
- Material Theme UI
- Sequence Diagram
- JetForcer | The Smartest IDE
- React Native Console
- ANSI Highlighter Premium
- Yaoqiang BPMN Editor
- AEM Support
- Rainbow Brackets
- Git Scope
- SystemVerilog
- CodeMR
- JavaDoc Clean Read
- AutoCode for Java
- Database Tools and SQL for WebStorm
- Extra Icons
- Java Antidecompiler
- Scipio ERP Integration
- Android Antidecompiler
- ZenUML Support
- JFormDesigner (Marketplace Edition)
- OrchidE - Ansible Language Support
- Iedis 2
- CMake Plus
- OpenAPI Editor
- Better Highlights
- Atom One Dark By Mayke
- Generate Document
- OfficeFloor
- Android WiFiADB
- Laravel Idea
- Odoo
- Bitbucket Pull Requests
- Merge Request Integration EE - Code Review for GitLab
- Salesforce B2C Commerce (SFCC)
- MinBatis
- POJO to JSON Schema
- BashSupport Pro
- MyBatis Log
- Smart Jump
- Auto Java Code Suggestions
- Auto GOLang Code Suggestions
- Auto Ruby Code Suggestions
- commit-template
- Auto Javascript Code Suggestions
- Auto PHP Code Suggestions
- SystemVerilog Studio
- Toolset
- JsonToTypeScript
- QmlEditor
- Stryker
- Elasticsearch
- JDK VisualGC
- Auto Python Code Suggestions
- Flutter Storm
- RestfulBox
- AWS Lambda Deployer
- PlantUML Studio
- Code With Me
- Firebase Rules Syntax Highlighter
- Execution God Recorder
- Ledger CLI
- Regex Tool
- Android Package Helper
- Gitlab CI Pipeline Dashboard
- CircleCI Dashboard
- Heroku Dashboard
- Redis Manager
- Zerocode Scenario Helper
- StormSections
- Sentry Integration
- Redis-Cli
- Find In Files (Favorites)
- Bitrise Dashboard
- Qt Style Sheets Editor
- Applet Runner
- Database Helper
- Php Inspections (EA Ultimate)
- LeetCode Editor Pro
- PHP Data Object Generator
- Material Theme UI High Contrast
- MQTT Client
- Notes
- Magnolia YAML Assistant
- Cap-Elasticsearch
- AStock
- Cap-Redis
- Simple Object Copy
- ElasticSearch-Admin
- Typed Django Template
- QueryFlag
- Nginx Configuration Pro
- KS-Explorer
- Zookeeper-Admin
- API Runner
- NEON Nette Support
- Mybatis Smart Code Help Pro
- Code Refactor AI
- XSD / WSDL Visualizer
- Spring Boot Helper
- ExcelEditor
- GitLab Merge Requests
- Yapi QuickType
- Friendly Terminal
- WireMocha
- DynamoDB
- FastShell
- Jsonnet Pro
- PHP Houdini
- XSD to JSON Schema
- Quarkus Assistant
- codeCreator
- CIclone
- Database Tool
- Ngrok
- Karate
- Material Theme UI Extras
- JsonToAnyLanguage
- Material Theme UI Custom Theme
- Material Theme UI Language Additions
- Material Theme UI Project Frame
- Rancher
- Redis Client
- ScreenCodePro
- CodeKits
- Redis Operator
- PawSQL Advisor
- Latte Pro
- Gerry Themes Pro
- Uniapp Support
- OpenAPI CRUD Wizard
- GoParser
- NextSketch
- Netlify Dashboard
- Gerry Cyberpunk
- Brew Bundle
- Gerry Space
- Kafkaide
- Github CI Dashboard
- Gerry Nature
- Extensions Manager
- Skol
- Gerry Cherry
- Gerry Coffee
- Connect Api
- JSON-YAML-XML Converter
- DoytoQuery Helper
- Gerry Aurora
- Gorm
- IoGame
- Sqlfluff Linter (Ultimate Edition)
- Magento and Adobe Commerce PhpStorm by Atwix
- Snippet Toolkit for Tailwind CSS
- Travis CI Dashboard
- Mongo Expert
- NextSketch2
- JavaOrm
- Build Monitor
- JetClient - The Ultimate REST Client
- AI Coding
- AICommit
- ChatGPT Coding
- PolyBPMN visualizer
- Armadillo
- Verilog Language Support
- NoSQL Navigator For MongoDB
- Cuefy
- Compose Hammer
- GPT Assistant
- Dto Buddy
- NPM Package Json
- Azure Coding
- GitLab CICD - Pipelines & Jobs, Builds Run Cancel Retry View Log
- Sentry
- Kafka Client
- Spring Rest Code Generator
- Source Synchronizer Pro
- Azd
- RustTool
- Polaris Tomcat Server
- MyBatis Field Add
- ImageToVector
- DataGraph - JSON, YAML, XML Visualization
- JSON Schema Generator
- Speech-To-Text (AWS Transcribe)
- MySQL Proxy
- Restful Fast Request - API Buddy
- MyBatisCodeHelperPro (Marketplace Edition)
- Redis